- Title Tattoo Studio
- Phone Number
- E-mail Address
- Website URL
- Social Accounts
- Listing Description
- Opening Hours
- Max number of tags (tattoo style) allowed 3
- Max number of photos allowed 10
- Contact form recipients Your email
1 month
- Title Tattoo Studio
- Phone Number
- E-mail Address
- Website URL
- Social Accounts
- Listing Description
- Opening Hours
- Max number of tags (tattoo style) allowed 10 (!)
- Max number of photos allowed 30(!)
- Contact form recipients Your email
- Videos
- Features content YES
1 year (-40% off)
- Title Tattoo Studio
- Phone Number
- E-mail Address
- Website URL
- Social Accounts
- Listing Description
- Opening Hours
- Max number of tags (tattoo style) allowed 10 (!)
- Max number of photos allowed 30(!)
- Contact form recipients Your email
- Videos
- Features content YES
We have a paid tariffs with four benefits:
- You can post YouTube videos on your page (+63% to the potential client’s interest level).
- You can add up to 30 photos of your works (only up to 10 photos at a free tariff).
- You can use up to 10 tags – tattoo styles (only up to 3 tags at a free tariff).
Your page will be on the first positions in the search by region (+ 94% to views).