Tattoo studio DIDI

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Contact Information
Ul. Đure Sudete 7, Varaždin, Varazdinska 42000
Detailed Information

DIDI, obrt za tetoviranje i dizajn s radom je započeo 2017. godine
Osnovna djelatnost obrta je tetoviranje i izrada tetovaža, u čemu slijedimo najviše standarde kvalitete i struke, što su prepoznali mnogi oduševljeni korisnici i korisnice naših usluga.

Obrt je specijaliziran za pružanje usluga tetoviranja i izrade tetovaži, prema viziji i ovisno o dogovoru s klijentom. Materijali i boje koje se koriste visoko su kvalitetni i sigurni za korištenje, što tetovaže čini trajnima, bez ispiranja boja.

Ovisno o Vašim željama, moguće je tetovirati razne dijelove tijela neobičnim i umjetnički vrijednim dizajnom.

Sjajan omjer cijene i kvalitete dodatan je motiv da tetovirate Vama dragi simbol ili koju drugu sliku ili tekst, koji je od velikog osobnog značaja.

Možete nam se s povjerenjem obratiti za sve informacije, rezervacije i upite.


DIDI, a tattoo and design craft, began operations in 2017
The main activity of the craft is tattooing and tattoo making, in which we follow the highest standards of quality and profession, which have been recognized by many enthusiastic users of our services.
The craft specializes in providing tattooing and tattooing services, according to the vision and depending on the agreement with the client.
The materials and colors used are of high quality and safe to use, making the tattoos durable without rinsing the colors.
Depending on your wishes, it is possible to tattoo various parts of the body with an unusual and artistically valuable design.
A great price-quality ratio is an additional motive to tattoo your favorite symbol or any other image or text, which is of great personal importance.
You can contact us with confidence for all information, reservations and inquiries.

Contact a tattoo studio

    Photos of works (click to enlarge)
    Opening Hours
    Appointment only
    Appointment only
    Appointment only
    Appointment only
    Appointment only
    Appointment only
    Appointment only