Velkommen til Zooki & Simon’s World Famous Tattoo shop, Københavns bedste butik. Vi vil rigtig gerne lave nogle flotte tatoveringer på dig. Vi vil rigtig gerne sørge for at du har det sjovt imens og vi vil rigtig gerne have at du går herfra med en oplevelse og en tatovering du kan være glad for.
Kig i vores galleri for inspiration. Find svar på dine spørgsmål i vores faq og find ud af hvordan du kan fortælle os om din næste tatovering under kontakt!
Welcome to Zooki & Simon’s World Famous Tattoo shop, Copenhagen’s best store.
We really want to make some beautiful tattoos on you.
We really want to make sure you have fun in the meantime and we really want you to leave here with an experience and a tattoo you can be happy with.
Check out our gallery for inspiration.
Find answers to your questions in our faq and find out how you can tell us about your next tattoo during contact!