Zaed Tattoo

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Contact Information
196 Strada Vasile Lascăr, Bucuresti (Bucharest) 020513
Detailed Information

Tariful pentru tatuaje Color / Black & Gray este 300 ron / ora.

Numarul de ore necesar unui tatuaj difera in functie de mai multi factori! De aceea:

– Pretul unui tatuaj poate fi stabilit DOAR in urma unei vizite la salon, dupa ce se stabilesc dimensiunea exacta, incadrarea, nr de sedinte, etc.

– Nu raspunem la cereri de pret prin intermediul: Facebook, Messenger, eMail, Instagram, Whatsapp sau SMS! Va multumim!

– Programarile se fac DOAR la studio, deoarece trebuie achitat un avans.

– Avansul este in valoare de 400 de ron.

– Avansul achitat NU SE RETURNEAZA!

Va multumim!


The price for Color / Black & Gray tattoos is 300 ron / hour.
The number of hours required for a tattoo differs depending on several factors!
– The price of a tattoo can be set ONLY after a visit to the salon, after establishing the exact size, framing, number of sessions, etc.
– We do not respond to price requests via: Facebook, Messenger, eMail, Instagram, Whatsapp or SMS!
Thank you!
– Appointments are made ONLY at the studio, because an advance must be paid.
– The advance is worth 400 RON.
– The advance paid is NOT RETURNED!
Thank you!

Contact a tattoo studio

    Photos of works (click to enlarge)
    Opening Hours
    12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    12:00 pm - 9:00 pm