BizzzArt Tattoo & Piercing

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Contact Information
400110, Strada Regele Ferdinand 7, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj 400000
Detailed Information

Cateva cuvinte despre mine:

M-am nascut si copilarit in Oradea, am absolvit un liceu, o facultate si o scoala de arte….in 2003 m-am mutat in Cluj-Napoca sa lucrez la un studio de tatuaje. Aici l-am cunoscut pe Icon si cu el am infiintat in 2005 studioul Bizzzart Tattoo. La inceputul anului 2010 am facut cateva luni de guestspot in Olanda, si tot atunci Icon s-a hotarat sa se stabileasca acolo. Momentan lucrez singur la shop. In mare imi plac toate genurile de tatuaje, dar am o atractie catre tatuajale mai new school, cartoon, ornamental, realiste. Fiind singur la shop lucrez in mare parte cu programari, imi place sa am o conversatie cu persoana doritoare de tatuaj, sa imi explice la ce s-a gandit, sa stabilim impreuna marimea in functie de zona pe care vrea tatuajul, apoi sa facem o schita, iar la data stabilita de comun acord sa si executam tatuajul dorit….



A few words about me:
I was born and raised in Oradea, I graduated from a high school, a college and an art school …. in 2003 I moved to Cluj-Napoca to work in a tattoo studio.
Here I met Icon and with him I founded the Bizzzart Tattoo studio in 2005.
At the beginning of 2010 I did a few months of guestspot in the Netherlands, and at the same time Icon decided to settle there.
I currently work alone at the shop.
I generally like all kinds of tattoos, but I have an attraction for new school, cartoon, ornamental, realistic tattoos.
Being alone at the shop I work mostly with appointments, I like to have a conversation with the person who wants the tattoo, to explain to me what he thought, to set the size together depending on the area he wants the tattoo, then to make a sketch,
and on the date established by mutual agreement to execute the desired tattoo ….

Contact a tattoo studio

    Photos of works (click to enlarge)
    Opening Hours
    9:00 am - 4:00 pm
    9:00 am - 4:00 pm
    9:00 am - 4:00 pm
    9:00 am - 4:00 pm
    9:00 am - 4:00 pm