Tom’s Tattoo & Body Piercing

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Contact Information
str. Mircea cel Batran nr. 49 bloc MK2 parter, Constanța, Constanta 900178
Detailed Information

Arta, pasiune, curaj si determinare

Sa ajungi sa faci ce iti place in viata si sa iti faci o viata din ceea ce iti place, fiind tu insuti, e o provocare.
Visul nostru a inceput in 2001 cand am deschis primul salon de tatuaje si body piercing din Constanta, devenind astfel pionieri in acest domeniu. A fost un inceput anevoios, lipsit de informatii sau suport, singura poarta catre aceasta lume fiind prietenul nostru Panai, care a impartasit cu noi toate cunostintele pe care le avea si pentru asta ii multumim.

Pasiunea, talentul si ambitia ne-au ajutat sa progresam de-a lungul anilor, devenind din ce in ce mai buni, mai apreciati, mai experimentati.

De peste 15 ani ne-am dedicat viata acestei minunate lumi, oferind arta, inspiratie si profesionalism celor care ne-au trecut pragul, intrand astfel in universul nostru, universul Tom’s tattoo.
Celebram implinirea a 15 ani de activitate prin deschiderea unui nou salon Tom’s Tattoo, intr-o locatie creata cu suflet pentru suflet, unde va asteptam cu aceeasi daruire ca in prima zi sa va ajutam sa va indepliniti toate dorintele legate de frumos, de arta.

Tatuaje, body piercing, tablouri, picturi murale, obiecte vestimentare pictate hand made, toate visele tale pot deveni realitate la Tom’s Tattoo.

Fii tu, exprima-te, da-ti frau imaginatiei si impreuna vom putea creea o lume mai frumoasa.

Multumim tuturor celor care au avut incredere in noi, celor care au devenit clienti fideli si nu numai, prin voi am devenit mai buni si suntem ceea ce suntem astazi.

Si astazi suntem mai pregatiti ca niciodata sa sustinem viitorii artisti, sa impartasim cu ei experienta acumulata, sa le fim parteneri in aceasta minunata calatorie in lumea artei.


Art, passion, courage and determination

Getting to do what you love in life and make a living out of what you love, being yourself, is a challenge.
Our dream began in 2001 when we opened the first tattoo and body piercing salon in Constanta, thus becoming pioneers in this field. It was a difficult start, without information or support, the only gateway to this world being our friend Panai, who shared with us all the knowledge he had and for that we thank him.

Passion, talent and ambition have helped us to progress over the years, becoming better and better, more appreciated, more experienced.

For over 15 years we have dedicated our lives to this wonderful world, offering art, inspiration and professionalism to those who have crossed our threshold, thus entering our universe, the universe of Tom’s tattoo.
We celebrate the 15th anniversary of the activity by opening a new Tom’s Tattoo salon, in a location created with soul for soul, where we are waiting for you with the same dedication to help you fulfill all your desires related to beauty, art.

Tattoos, body piercings, paintings, murals, hand made painted clothing, all your dreams can come true at Tom’s Tattoo.

Be you, express yourself, unleash your imagination and together we can create a more beautiful world.

Thank you to all those who trusted us, to those who became loyal customers and not only, through you we have become better and we are what we are today.

And today we are better prepared than ever to support future artists, to share with them the accumulated experience, to be their partners in this wonderful journey in the art world.

Contact a tattoo studio

    Photos of works (click to enlarge)
    Opening Hours
    2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
    2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
    2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
    2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
    2:00 pm - 6:00 pm