Tesu Tattoo Artist tattoo parlor and piercing

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Contact Information
strada Aleea aurorei nr 3 bloc b2 parter Piatra Neamț, Neamt 610264
Detailed Information

Am fost atras de aceasta arta de mic copil. mai tot timpul cu tot felul de creioane si vopseluri incercam sa imi creez aceasta forma de arta pe piele. Trecand anii am ajuns la o varsta in care chiar imi doream sa incep sa imi marchez o perioda, un inceput in viata… ca drept intamplare pe la varsta de 16-17 ani pe cand eram inca in liceu am incercat sa gasesc pe cineva sa imi faca un tatuaj, poate ca si din punct de vedere financiar sau lipsa unui salon in oras ceva imi spunea ca ar trebui sa ma interesez mai mult despre aceasta forma de arta.
Da… intradevar in acel moment deja incepea sa fie tot mai mediatizat tatuajul, aparuse cateva emisiuni care unii tatuatori vorbeau despre cum si ceea ce fac.
La un moment dat din dorinta si pasiune am decis studiez mai amplu, tehnici si procesul de tatuare, am pornit credca de la o tehnica banala un simplu ac de de cusut fiert si un pigment de la o pasta de pix auzind de pe la coltul blocului de prin mici anturaje.
Eram atat de entuziasmat ca am aflat ca am cu ce, fara sa ma gandesc ca un copil care a ajuns intr-un magazin de jucarii.
Ideea, modelul l-am luat ca de pe primul raft cum s-ar spune ceea ce vazusem in momentul acela pe geamul balconului era crucea de pe turla unei biserici din fata blocului. Finalul neasteptat dar surprinzator pentru constiinta mea.
Deja incepusem sa imi dau seama ca e ceva mult mai captivant si palpitant sa te tatuezi am inceput sa zic sa evoluez de la inventii de masini de tatuat la un hobby care devenea o realitate in felul meu de a fi, incepeam sa imi dau seama ca pot dar trebuie sa studiez fiecare parte, fiecare tehnica care o vedeam sau o auzeam era ceva care imi punea in miscare toate simturile, care imi dadea o satisfactie a mintii si deciziilor mele interioare.Am investit timp, rabdare, motivatie si satisfactie.
Trecerea timpului si a exersarii de pe propria piele pe prieteni si amici, hobby-ul meu deja devenea o ocupatie, de la a face tatuaje acasa sau pe la cunostinte carand echipamentul dupa mine , motivat si din punct de vedere financiar din mica atentie a doritorilor, am decis dupa o buna parte timp stand acasa la parinti sa ma mut din nou in orasul unde mi-am terminat studiile.
Aici am avut o cumpana in viata de la progresa spre profesionalism sau sa practic aceasta arta doar ca pe un hobby, timpul scurt si mintea ocupata tot cu dragostea pentru aceasta pasiune, nu mi-a mai dat voie sa ma gandesc la altceva si am ramas intr-un univers captivant plin de culoare si arta.
Cunoscand de-a lungul timpului artisti tatuatori, care oarecum nu erau atat de prietenosi cu raspunsurile, am avut sansa de a cunoaste cativa oameni capabili sa inteleaga dorinta mea de a tatua, un mentor bun Bimbi ( Radulescu Alin ) , un artist desavarsit si cu experienta pe parcursul drumului meu m-a motivat in ceea ce fac, l-am cunoscut personal prin intermediul unui cadou care ii multumesc mult. un tatuaj care il privesc si il admir, iar Razvan ma ajutat sa intru in arta tatuajelor din punct de vedere al legislatiei.
Si ca prieten si colaborator de-a lungul timpului Toader Ovidiu un artist tatuator din Piatra Neamt m-a sustinut in ceea ce fac.
La randul meu din experienta mea am impartasit si altora, totodata nu prea pot sa zic ca am primit aceeasi moneda care am oferit-o si o ofer incontinuare persoanelor care din bunul simt, mi-au dat un sfat bun sau rau dar macar l-au dat.
Sunt multe de spus dar prefer sa raman vesnic recunoscator celor care m-au sustinut, familiei si putinii prieteni, care au vazut dorinta si modul meu de expirimare, care m-au inteles si au inteles totodata aceasta arta.
In 2017 am reusit sa deschid un salon autorizat si conform normelor europene.
Tatuajul? pentru unii un moft, pentru alţii o formă de ieşire din anonimat sau una de exprimare. Dar ceea ce este la fel de interesant ca şi tatuajul este povestea care se află în spatele semnificaţiei lui.
Cred că e o problemă falsă în privința păstrării corpului intact, pentru că oricum corpul e trecător.E o mentalitate tradiționalistă în care eu nu cred.
Tatuajul este o artă, o creatie, o formă de exprimare a lumii interioare. Asa cum fiecare decizie vine din interior, efectuarea unui tatuaj derivă si ea din stări interioare, întâmplări pe care le dorim marcate vesnic pe propriul corp.


Tesu John.
Artist tattoos
I was attracted to this art of small baby. All the time with all sorts of pencils and paints, we try to create this form of art on the skin. Passing the years, we came to an age when I really wanted to start a period, a beginning in life … as a random at the age of 16-17, while I was still in high school I tried to find someone to find myself. Make a tattoo, maybe financially or the lack of a lounge in the city, something told me that I should be more interested in this form of art.
Yes … Intradevar at that moment, the tattoo was still mediated, a few shows that some tattoos were talking about how and what they do.
At some point in desire and passion, I decided to study wider, techniques and the tattoo process, we started believes from a banal technique a simple boiled sewing needle and a pigment from a paste paste hearing at the corner of the block by small entourage.
I was so excited that I found out that I had with what, without thinking about a child who came to a toy store.
The idea, the model I took it from the first shelf as it would say what I had seen at the time of the balcony window was the cross on a church in front of the block. The unexpected but surprising end for my consciousness.
I had already begun to realize that there is something more exciting and thrilling to tattoy I began to evolve from inventions of tattooing machines to a hobby that became a reality in my way of being, I was beginning to figure out that I can but I have to study every part, every technique that I saw it or heard it was something that moved all my senses, which gave me a satisfaction of my mind and inner decisions. I have invested time, patience, motivation and satisfaction.
The passage of time and exercise from your own skin on friends and buddies, my hobby has already become an occupation, from making tattoos at home or at the knowledge, carries the equipment after me, and financially motivated from the low attention of the desires , I decided after a good time Stand at home to move again in the city where I finished my studies.
Here we had a bum in life from progressing to professionalism or practically this art just as a hobby, short time and busy mind all with love for this passion, he did not let me think anything else and I stayed for me. in a captivating universe full of color and art.
Knowing the tattooing artists, who are somewhat not so friendly with answers, I had the chance to know a few people able to understand my desire to tattoo, a good Bimbi mentor (Radulescu Alin), an absolute artist and with Experience during my way motivated me in what I do, I personally met him through a gift that thanks them a lot. A tattoo who look at him and admire, and Razvan helped me in the art of tattoos in terms of legislation.
And as a friend and collaborator over time toader ovidiu a tattoo artist in Piatra Neamt has supported me in what they do.
In my turn, I have shared with my experience, I also do not really say that I received the same currency that I offered it and give it incontineration to people who are of common sense, they gave me good or bad advice. But at least L- gave.
There is a lot to say, but I prefer to remain eternally grateful to those who have supported me, family and few friends who have seen my desire and way of expression that have understood me and understood this art.
In 2017, we managed to open an authorized salon and according to European standards.
Tattoo? For some a fad, for others a form of anonymous or one expression. But what is as interesting as the tattoo is the story that is behind his significance.
I think it’s a false problem in keeping the body intact, because anyway the body is a treasury. There is a traditionalist mentality in which I do not think.
Tattoo is an art, a creation, a form of expression of the inner world. As each decision comes from within, making a tattoo derives from inner states, happenings that we want eternally marked on their own body.

Contact a tattoo studio

    Photos of works (click to enlarge)
    Opening Hours
    10:00 am - 6:00 pm
    10:00 am - 6:00 pm
    10:00 am - 6:00 pm
    10:00 am - 6:00 pm
    10:00 am - 6:00 pm
    10:00 am - 2:00 pm